July 13, 2011

New stages, new strategies

Jed has been "bottomless" for the past week, practicing his use of the potty. He quickly alerts us, "pee pee is coming", so as to prompt us to direct him to his little toilet. The achievement of his potty-use is rewarded in increments of M&Ms, depending on quantity, style points, coloration, and sound affects. Actually, he gets 1 or two M&Ms, depending on the level of his plea.

Peter is now nearly walking, but he refuses to allow cameras to capture his new talent. But before his first ever step, he was climbing. Climbing our slide, then going down the slide on his stomach, climbing chair backs, climbing the stairs, and climbing on to table. His climbing does not cease.

A new summer evening tradition is forming after our supper. We take a "leisurely" 30min walk down and around the creek trail near our home. The primary goal is to get as much energy out of Jed as possible before story and bedtime arrive. Last week he pushed Peter in the stroller nearly the entire duration, while jogging. I think we're going to need a longer route soon.

Playing "ball" at the park

Shed construction - gradual progress

Father's Day Camping

Peter turns one

June 20, 2011

Recent amusement

Jed was sincere in his wishing me a "Happy Mother's Day" this week and was wishful in his thinking that we should celebrate with cake and ice cream.

Since bonding with his cousin Dane in Alaska, Jed has begun to ask the question "why?" by instead using "ka-buzz? (because)" as his cousin did, with the same questioning-inflection in his voice.

I think Peter may have experienced his first "brain-freeze" this morning while eating a big bite of cold watermelon. He alternated between expressions of alarm and confused hesitation, all while managing not to sputter any food on to his tray. He wouldn't want to waste any watermelon, he loves it.

It was fitting that Mtn Pop (Jeff Wright) would introduce Dr. Pepper to Jed recently, seeing as it's his favorite carbonated beverage. Not as amusing was Jed's desperate plea for "Pepper drink" in the car ride home from our visit. :)

May 29, 2011

Girdwood / Whittier excursion

Endless days, literally

The sun doesn't seem to ever really set over the horizon and with energetic boys, it was easy to lose track of time...