June 30, 2010

Patient Peter

Round 4 (?) of tests. Over the next week, Peter will receive a heart echo, sleep study, and re-visit the pulmonologist, all in order to confirm a "likely" diagnosis of "exaggerated respirations due to high altitude". The prescription is 4-8 more weeks of time and oxygen. Peter has been so patient through it all and otherwise is a healthy little chunk (9+lbs).

Moore, dat, moore

Choice of expressions, in order:
1. Pointing and repeatedly saying "moore, moore..." (more)
2. Pointing and repeatedly saying "dat, moore, dat..." (more, that, more)
3. Tied for 3rd - "Ju" (juice), "ada" (outside), "dodgie" (dog), "un" (run around the house playing chase), "duckie" (stuffed duck)

Jed's latest revelation came with Peter's birth and frequent diaper changes. He now realizes that he is not the only one who poops. His latest phase is to attach everyone he knows to "poop"; "dodgie poop", "mama poop", "papa poop", and "jed poop".

Meet the Family

Similar to "Meet the Parents", Peter is making his rounds and is meeting his extended family. Heather and Jeff, we didn't get any pictures of you with Peter this last visit! I guess you'll just have to come back and visit.

June 19, 2010

Family of four

Jed has learned to appreciate everything with a "thank you". When we serve him dinner, "doe-do". When clean his bottom, "doe-do". When we give him Duckie to sleep with, "doe-do". He'll surprise us at a different time every day. This morning it was after I wiped his face.

Peter is getting his first pulse oximeter test at home today. The test will measure the oxygen saturation in Peter's blood to see if he needs to be on oxygen any longer (the test is non-invasive, lasts about 4-6hrs). We're keeping our fingers crossed that the tanks and cannula will soon be over.

Mama Dodge survived her first day on her own last week with two boys under 2yrs. Good job Tanya! I came home to find Tanya with her feet up on the couch while Jed was cooking dinner.

June 7, 2010

Movie: Log rolls and kisses

Jed debated between a handshake, a hug, or a log roll over Peter upon seeing him again. He alternates between eating in the kitchen and climbing the stairs to see Peter in our bedroom with Mama.


We have happily been discharged from the hospital. Peter is now soundly napping on our bed at home. Meanwhile big brother Jed is also napping and will have a special treat to wake up to after his nap, little brother Peter, Mama and Papa.

Jed occupying himself at the hospital yesterday:

Mama and Peter:

Arrival at home, part II:

June 5, 2010

Update on Peter

We have been so encouraged by you the past two days. Thank you for your support. Peter is doing better. We received the results of a couple of tests this morning and most conclusions have been encouraging. The hospital will likely want to see us stay another night, but we may be home tomorrow afternoon. They would like to first conclusively determine that he has no lingering infection and see that his sugar, oxygen, respiratory rate are independently sustained by Peter.


June 4, 2010

Day 2 with Peter

Mid-afternoon, Thursday after Peter was born, we noticed his respiratory rate was very high and took him to the birth center (where he was born) for review. We were then directed to the nearby hospital NICU where Peter underwent several blood tests, an x-ray, and was put on antibiotics and an IV and under additional oxygen. He is slowly improving, but we aren't assuming anything until he is given a clean bill of health. Thank you for your prayers.

June 3, 2010

Movie: Early morning yawns

Peter Gideon Dodge is named after Peter the apostle, Thomas Gideon Fowler (Tanya's Grandfather), and proudly our family name. Enjoy some of his first winks:

Brotherly introduction

Jed couldn't be more excited to have Peter home. For the first time in over six months, Jed hasn't even asked to go "ada" (outside, to play). He's been pointing and saying, "baby... more". Hugs and kisses abound. Some soft pets on the head, some offers of breakfast, and a kiss from "duckie". I think these two have commenced a lifelong friendship before our eyes.

12hrs of life

Peter was born June 2, 2010 at 9:45pm, weighing 7lbs with a length of 20 inches. Hardly any crying, both Mom and baby are doing super. Tanya's labor was relatively quick, lasting fours hours. We arrived home last night at 2am, were able to sleep in until 5:45a, and are now relaxing with him at home.

Peter Gideon Dodge