May 30, 2009

The weekend

(aka Chris Anderson fan- Denver Nugget player) wasn't so successful on Friday night. First, his fine hair struggled to form into a mohawk like "The Birdman", second, the Nuggets had a horrible game. Fun none the less.

Jed discovered the fun of Bueni's water bowl. Especially when he flips it over and really gets to splash around.

We held our first garage sale on Friday and Saturday. It was a big success. Jed helped to lure in the customers, then pull a "bait and switch" sales tactic. "I'm not for sale, sorry folks."


May 25, 2009

Movie: Memorable Memorial Day

It's not pretty, but Jed is now crawling and he's most interested in cords. This will have to be the last one I encourage him to grab for (for the next 5yrs at least).

May 16, 2009

Jed at 10 months

Warming up for the Western Conference Finals

He's not called "Denver Nugget" for nothing. The boy has hops (i.e. vertical leap). Just ask Grandbob and Nana.

May 15, 2009

Summer has arrived

"Humm, what to do next... oh I know! I'll keep sitting here."

Mother's Day brunch

"This is all I get for brunch? What kind of Mother's Day is this?"

Movie: Creating sound

Warning: This video displays uncontrolled acts of noise creation and intentional attempts to dent kitchenware. Watch at your own discretion.

May 4, 2009

Some other Oregon sights

Portland Day 2 - Some cousin time

Jed couldn't help keep his hands to himself. I think he was taking Caden's temperature, just in case.

Portland Day 2 - Cannon Beach

The next morning we spent in part at Cannon Beach and in part at Tillamook (at the cheese factory- meet farmer Jed).

Portland Day 1 - Caden visit

Courageous Caden. Jed, Tanya and I treasured visiting with cousin/ nephew Caden and Caden was so good with Jed at his side, especially considering all that he was experiencing at the hospital. Caden, it's no wonder why your little brothers love you so much.

Portland Day 1 - Waterfalls