August 24, 2008

Auntie M

We miss you already Auntie M!


Bueni practicing how to share

Bueni is getting some early lessons on how to share her toys. This lesson was provided by Jed's cousin, Dane.

August 23, 2008

Deep thoughts, by Jed Dodge

Sometimes, when I poop in my pants, I pretend I'm sliding down a slip-n-slide, and I think, wow I'm really fast.

My first encounter with real Alaskans

Jed was able to meet Auntie M and his cousin Dane (8 months) this weekend. From conversations we over heard, I think they have a lot in common.

This parenting thing, wheeww...

August 17, 2008

Jed sling'n

I think there's a reason mothers sling their children, not Dads. Trust me, neither of us are very comfortable in this picture.

Starting to fill out, but not quite there yet

Now weighing in at 8lbs.

"Welcome to my hood, dog", as Jed flashes gang signs towards Bueni. I think he learned that from his mother.

Thank you Family for all of your support!

Great Grampa Dodge & Great Gramma Dodge
Grampa Wright

GrandBob Dodge

Gramma Wright

Nana Dodge

Uncle Alex & Aunt Heather

....and Aunt Molly we look forward to seeing you in a week! (and Uncle Kristian soon too)

August 3, 2008

Great Grams is so comfortable

Grams, you make it look too easy.

I have Great Grandparents, literally

The camera caught Great Grampa and I saying cheese. Like Great Grandfather, like Great Grandson.

Your name is Robert Dodge too?

This is too confusing for me, I think I'll just go by Jed.